Law and Climate Change Toolkit

Art L

 E. 40
 Serial No. 92/2014 Official Journal — Issue No. 51 (Bis-A) — Dated the 21 December, 2014 Decree-Law of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt No. 203 of the Year 2014 Regarding the Stimulation of Producing Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources The President of the Republic After perusal of the Constitution; Law No. 12 of the year 1976 regarding the establishment of the Egyptian Electricity Authority and amendments thereof; Law No. 102 of the year 1986 regarding the establishment of New and Renewable Energy Authority; Law No. 8 of the year 1997 concerning investment guarantees and incentives; Law on the protection of competition and prevention of monopolistic practices issued as per law No. 3 of the year 2005; Law No. 14 of the year 2013 on authorizing the ministry of finance to guarantee the Egyptian Electric Holding Company and its affiliates with regard to the funds they get and guarantee the payment of the financial obligations related to the projects they conclude to be implemented through the private sector or in partnership with the private sector; Decree of the President of the Republic No. 339 of the year 2000 concerning the reorganization of the Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency; After the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers; and Based on the proposition of the State Council; DECREED THE FOLLOWING LAW:

Legal Area
Provision for adaptation consultations Mechanism for setting of adaptation standards Body with planning/regulatory powers and functions Tradable certificates Enabling constitutional provisions Renewable energy targets Renewable energy strategy/plan Prescription of renewable energy sources Goal/obligation to promote renewable energy Licensing provisions Energy audits
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